But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. Matthew 23:11
But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. Matthew 23:11
I could feel the tension rising in me. I had tons more to do, more details to tend to, but only a smidgen of time to get them done–0.25 hours to be exact. In fifteen minutes I would need to get home from the beauty salon, take a shower, get dressed, beat my face, and drop off the decorations at the venue for the decorating crew to get everything ready for the crowd. It wasn’t going to happen. Then the phone rang.
Tina, a close friend of mine had seen my text warning everyone that I would be late and saw my car at the beauty salon on her way to help decorate.
“I’m going to have to drop these things off and then go back home to get ready,” I said exasperated.
“I can take the decorations with me so you can go on home and get dressed,” Tina offered.
“I have a lot of stuff in my car, Tina. It’s going to take a while to unload and reload all of it.”
“We can just switch cars,” she offered.
She was such a life saver. I had already had a million things on my mind like what if more people showed up than I was expecting? What if I couldn’t feed or seat them all? All of these worries stemmed from the fact that I over invited. Three hundred plus invites sent on Facebook and an ad in the newspaper to notify all of Sumter County for a building that only held 108. What was I thinking? Well at least getting the decorations there on time was one thing could be crossed off my list of what ifs. Next I had to go home and try to make sure I didn’t get my freshly done curls wet in the shower. That would be a challenge.
After some time I did manage to keep my hair dry, beat my face, and jump into the slinky, plum-colored dress I had finally chosen as my coming out look. I was finally ready but still in a panic. I felt like it was my wedding day all over again. People would be waiting for me, the author of the hour, to arrive. Everything needed to be perfect.
And it was in all the ways that really mattered. In my haste I forgot the power cord for my laptop, which I needed in order to play a slideshow I created especially for the event. It had a picture of my grandma on it that I wanted to show in memory of her, but I still got a chance to talk about her in my acknowledgements. I wanted to have certain moments during the event videotaped with my handheld video recorder, but I forgot the batteries. Then low and behold I noticed one of my covenant partners who happens to be a professional videographer, pointing a video camera at me. He was shooting video of the entire party, and I didn’t even ask him to do it.
Needless to say all was well. I should have known it would be. I had prayed about it, my Pastor had told me not to worry, and in times past God had worked things out in my favor before. This night was no different. God worked a miracle and turned all my worries into wonders. The crowd–perfect; the food–perfect; the venue–perfect; the outfit–perfect; the book dedication ceremony–perfect; the book sales–perfect. My husband’s introduction of me even though I forgot to bring his glasses so he could read the very small printout of my bio–perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing about any of it. Now on to more books, more signings, and more wonders!
***The “Wait on God” book signing and launch party was a huge success thanks to my Enon covenant partners, family members and friends both new and old. You all helped to make it great, and I love you for it. Be blessed with God’s best.
So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groaning too deep for utterance. And He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind of the [Holy] Spirit [what His intent is], because the Spirit intercedes and pleads [before God] in behalf of the saints according to and in harmony with God’s will. Romans 8: 26-27 (Amplified)
There is no way I’m getting up tonight, I thought.
It was 3 a.m.—the witching hour, according to some. It was also time for me to get up and pray as had been my routine for the past week. I had been led to get out of bed and find a secluded spot in our quarters at this hour to spend time with God, and it was becoming a routine.
This particular night though, an arresting sense of dis-ease kept me still in my cot. I scanned the room, not seeing anyone unusual. My two roommates appeared to be in their cots. No one was stirring. All was quiet. But the room was different. A thick red haze lingered above my head. Lying there, I could feel fear sucking out my courage. I blinked to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, but the thick red haze remained.
My heart raced…it had nothing to do with nerves, although I wished it had been. Something this sinister could only be a work of satan himself.
Only he could be responsible for the red cloud filling the room; the burning smell of sulfur that almost singed my nostrils. If I hadn’t been awake before, I knew I was now. I lied there stock still in my cot underneath sheer mosquito netting, which was now for me a safe haven, trying to make sense of what was happening around me.
I was in the same room with the same people, but it seemed like there was a different presence there—an evil one.
So I began to pray intensely. Like my courage, words escaped me. I remembered what I had been taught about a function of the Holy Spirit—when we don’t know what to pray for, the Spirit will intercede for us. So I let Him do His thing. It was a blessing to be filled with the Holy Ghost at that moment. I prayed and prayed right there on my back until I could feel my courage come pouring back into me and an extraordinary peace surround me. Sleep soon came, and so did the morning.
The next day, I didn’t mention the previous evening’s strange happenings because I didn’t think anyone would understand. What was I really going to say? “The devil was in here last night?” Heck, I didn’t even know how to explain what had happened.
Later that evening, as my roommates and I sat around talking, a revelation hit me.
“The weirdest thing happened last night,” said Sgt. Toth, one of my roommates. “Somebody was in our room.”
“In our room?” I asked, fearing the unknown.
Who knows what his intention may have been: to steal something from us, rape one of us, or maybe even kill one of us. Whatever it was though, thankfully, God did not allow it to happen.
“He was standing over me, and I was in such a deep sleep that I just swung my arm at him,” she said. “When I realized someone was actually there I grabbed my flashlight to see him. That’s when he ran.” She chased him out of the building, but could not catch him.
My mouth dropped in disbelief. It was the same night I sensed the demonic presence, but I was completely oblivious to everything else she recounted. I must have drifted back into a deep sleep after praying. It was all so confusing and bizarre and unexplainable because I had never encountered the spiritual world in that way before. Ironically, I never got up to pray at that hour again not because I was afraid, but because I no longer felt compelled.
After sharing that incident with a few people they helped me to see that those nights of intense prayer leading up to that night were preparation and protection for what was to come. The Lord needed someone to stand in the gap and pray on all of our behalf, and I was the one chosen for the job. Who knows what heinous crime would have been committed had I not been obedient to the Lord leading me to pray for covering for everybody in the building and possibly even everyone at Camp Anaconda? At the time I didn’t know what I was praying for, but I’m glad I was sensitive to the voice of my spirit.
And I am even gladder I didn’t get up that night.
Has something similar ever happened to you? Has the Holy Spirit used you to intercede for a future situation?
Written in 2009 to recount an event that took place during my year-long deployment to Iraq back in 2003.