Archive for Relationship with Others

The “Wait on God” Television Debut

I am pleased to announceFullSizeRender that I will make my television debut on the Right Decisions with Tammy Moye Johnson Talk Show on Sunday, November 1st at 7:30 am EST. The show segment entitled “Single Ladies” will air on Wach Fox. On the show, Ms. Tammy and I talk candidly about the challenges and advantages of living single as a Christian in today’s society. Satan fought really hard against this particular taping, so I truly believe that it will be a blessing to the Body of Christ. Don’t miss it! And while you’re at it, like her Right Decisions with Tammy Moye Johnson Facebook page. She’s an awesome woman of God!

Do Tell–A Guide to Determine When It’s Ok to Spill the Beans About Your Sexual Status

Have you ever told a guydecision that you were dating that you were either committed to a life of celibacy or plan to remain a virgin until marriage and the relationship took a turn for the worst? I was recently asked how I handled sharing my virgin status as a single woman with the men I dated. I thought it was a good question to explore and that some others may benefit from this discussion.

First of all, your decision to practice celibacy or to remain a virgin until marriage is a very honorable one and one of which to be proud. But let’s face it…not everyone you meet (men in particular) can handle knowing that intimate piece of information about you. Some men, as was the case for the young lady who posed the question, will think that you are issuing them a challenge and may try to see just how long you will hold fast to your convictions. Then once you give in, they’re out or once you prove that you are serious about your commitment and deny them the pleasure of enjoying your garden will be out. So how do you decide with whom to share it and when it is the right time? Here’s what I think.

You should only spill the beans on your sexual status when you’re at a point with the guy you’re dating that things are becoming more serious. If you only went out with him a few times and you are honestly not that into him, there’s no need to even delve into this conversation. I think it is important to wait until you can actually see a future with him. Everyone’s timetable is different on this. It may take a few days, weeks, or months to get to this place depending on the couple. So wait to see if you can sense if this guy is a keeper or not. Now, here’s where a deviation from this plan may occur. If the guy starts making sexual advances towards you, probably because he does not hold your same convictions, you may need to tell him sooner so that he won’t expect to go any further. If he bails on you or stops calling because of this then hold up two fingers and repeat after me, “Deuces!”. You don’t need him anyway.

Now I also think that the atmosphere in which you reveal your status is important. Waiting until after a late-night, romantic date when the slightest touch from your sweetie pie sends goosebumps up and down your spine, may not be the best time to tell him. You are both feeling less guarded in the “heat” of the moment; thus less prone to make rational, God-honoring decisions. A daytime stroll in the park or lunch date might make a safer atmosphere because hormones aren’t typically raging in a more neutral environment, and your date may receive this revelation a little better. Regardless to how he receives it though, it is worth discussing.

To sum this all up, it is a good idea to let the significant man in your life know where you stand. Of course you run the risk of him either valuing or not valuing your decision. So what if this news causes the relationship to take a turn for the worst? I would argue that it is actually a turn for the best because you now see the man’s character, and at the end of the day the person you really want to be pleased with your decisions is God. His opinion is the only one that matters, and in God’s eyes holiness is still right for all of His children–in a relationship or not.

These are just my thoughts. What do you think?



An Expectant Mother’s Prayer

IMG_0422Eight weeks ago I found out the best and the scariest news of my life–that I was going to be a mom. It was the best news because my husband and I had been trying to conceive for 3 years and God had finally honored our prayers and given us the physical manifestation of His promise. It was the scariest news because I knew my life was about to change forever. No more “only child” excuses or getting up when I feel like it on off days. I will have someone else totally depending on me to provide them with everything. But change is good. Here I am now on the cusp of my second trimester and feeling extremely thankful that God has favored me to carry this child and humbled because I realize I cannot raise this child without His help. Yes, I have the support of my wonderful husband, mother, best friend, family members and covenant partners from my church, but ultimately my help comes from the Lord.

So this is my prayer today. Gracious Father, thank you for favoring me and blessing my womb to carry this child of promise. I am not deceived to think that I can enter into motherhood without your aid, counsel, or anointing…nor do I want to. So Lord, help me to be the godly mother that you have called me to be. One who is full of wisdom, unconditional love, and the boldness to stand on the Word when teaching my children that Your way is right. Help me to be a positive example always: to put the Word in the midst of my children, discipline them in love as you do me, to teach them to tithe, to praise You, to serve You wholeheartedly, and to live a life that is pleasing in Your sight.  Help me, Father, to put You first daily before my husband, my children, and myself so that I can minister to their needs out of a full spirit. Clothe me, oh God, in strength and honor so that my children will rise one day and call me blessed because of the good seeds that I have sown into their lives. And I will forever give you the glory, honor, and praise. In Jesus’ name. Amen.