I believe that God gives his children inspiration for million-dollar ideas, and I believe He gives million-dollar ability to carry them out. It’s part of the covenant that He made with His children.
“But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day” (Deuteronomy 8:18 KJV).
God’s will is for His children to prosper, but what He’s not going to do is drop your wealth from the sky and into your lap. He plants the seed of an idea into your spirit (inspires you) and gives you the insight you need to perform it.
But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.” Job 32:8
He then waters the seed with confirmation until you get up and work the ground for harvest. Case in point, God gave me the idea to write the book “Wait on God: What Every Single Woman Should Know to Receive God’s Best” for women three years ago. I would write in spells, sometimes letting months pass without working on it at all. A part of me wanted it so badly, but another part of me wanted to enjoy my free time by doing absolutely nothing. That was laziness in full effect. I wanted the prize, but I wasn’t willing to put forth the necessary effort consistently to obtain it. Sometimes we often like to use the excuse that we don’t have enough time to pursue our dreams, but truth be told we do have time, we just squander much of it away on meaningless things. I’ve learned that anything worth having is worth working hard for. God does His part. We just have to do ours. He’s the alpha and omega–the beginning and the end, meaning the idea begins and ends with Him. Our part is to fill in the middle by following His guidance and putting in the work. Once we get in motion, God causes everything to fall into place.
Now let’s talk about doubt. I had lots of them. How am I going to write enough to make a whole book? Will I have enough money to get it published? Who’s going to buy it anyway? Who wants to hear what I have to say? The doubts persisted, until I heard a Word from God that reignited my dream. The prophecy, spoken by a prophet of God who visited my church, was “You’ve been working on that project for three years, and God is about to fund it.” From that point on I knew that I could not afford to allow doubt to smother my dream of being a published author. The time was now! So I buckled down, finished writing the book, found a publisher, chose a cover design, and here I am today, a few weeks from holding the book in my hands.
Now I want to challenge you. I challenge you to step out on faith and dare to walk in the destiny that God has for you. What dreams has God placed in your heart and what ideas has He inspired in you? It’s time to live it out. If anybody should be experiencing the good life, it should be you, child of God. I am not a prophet, but I want to encourage you with these words. You will succeed in fulfilling your dream. God will bless the works of your hands. And the next idea you see becoming a success will be yours!
I feel like you and I are one in the same because as I was reading this post, I felt like it was me writing it to myself. Thank you for honoring GOD’S Will for your life and thank you for sharing this! You are such an inspiration and I pray that GOD will continue to bless you immeasurably! 🙂
Awww…we are one in the Spirit of the Lord! Thanks again for the encouraging words.
Amen! And you’re very welcome! 🙂