Tag Archive for dating

How Long is Too Long to Date? Part 2

commitment-phobiaGood day, folks!  Let’s continue with this conversation on how long a Christian should date a person before getting married.  Yesterday I shared the first myth that prevents some couples from tying the knot sooner rather than later or sometimes never.  Today I will share the second.

Myth # 2:  I can’t be with the same man/woman for the rest of my  life.

This sounds like a fear of commitment, and you did not inherit that trait from your Heavenly Father.  He (father, son, and holy ghost) is the perfect example of true commitment.  He is so committed to you that He gave His only son to die for you so that you could be saved.  He is so committed to you that He loves you through everything–the good, the bad, and the ugly.  He is even so committed to you that he promised to never leave you nor forsake you.  That’s commitment at its finest. On top of that, He’s not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

But I do know who the commitment phobia is coming from.  Satan.  He is the one who couldn’t be committed to righteousness since the beginning and the one who introduced that ungodly mindset to the world for the purpose of getting others to join him. The reason he got kicked out of heaven was because his pride got the best of him.  He turned against God, and refused to follow. That’s commitment at its worst. Then he showed up in the Garden of Eden to test Adam and Eve’s commitment to God, and unfortunately his trickery worked.  They failed the commitment test because of Satan’s lies.  Even today, he’s deceiving believers of Christ to think that it’s too hard or not worth it to commit their lives to God when there are so many others things they could be doing to satisfy the cravings of the flesh.  Beloved, do not be fooled by Satan’s gimmicks and do not join his bandwagon by believing that you can’t commit to one spouse until death do you part.  You can do all things through Christ who gives you the strength you need (Philippians 4:13).  You can live holy and be satisfied with one person in every way.  Jesus Christ and His grace make it possible to do. You may have been hesitant to make a commitment to live for Christ before you got saved because of a fear of failure, but now that you are saved do you regret it? Do you feel as if eternity is too long a time to commit to Him?  If you know anything about Him, I’m quite sure you want to be in this relationship for the long haul because it is so good.

And so is marriage.  Everything God made is good.  We just have to maintain it in order to continue enjoying the blessings of it. Of course a marriage relationship (heck, any relationship) can get stale if you allow it to.  So if you are worried that the flame will die down with time, be aware that it is your responsibility to add more wood to the fire; to put more coals on the grill; to put more kerosene in the heater (you see where I’m going with this).  If you are worried that somehow you will not be able to keep your marriage vows past the seven year itch, be aware that help is available to you if you would only ask.

“We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality.  He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all–all but the sin. So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help” (Hebrews 4:15-16 Message).  


What are your thoughts?  Feel free to offer more myths about marriage that need debunking (I love that word.)  And be on the lookout for myth # 3 in tomorrow’s post.

***For more tips on keeping things spicy in your marriage check out www.patchingcracks.com.

How Long is Too Long to Date? Part 1

dating-tips-1You’ve heard people say it before and you’ve probably said it yourself a time or two. “What are they waiting on to get married?” It happens.  You see a couple who have been together for a while who look happy and are in a reasonably good position to be married (ie. age, maturity, and resources) you can’t help but to wonder, why the delay.  Truthfully, it’s really none of our business when the nuptials will occur, but it does lead one, (particularly me) to ask, what is a reasonable amount of time for a Christian to spend dating before the I-do’s are exchanged? I’ve heard of people dating for five and ten years before, and I always find it hard to wrap my head around spending that amount of time with someone without a solid commitment.  Again, I’m talking about two Christian people whose lives are committed to serving Christ and want to do things His way. Even the most devout believer will have to deal with their flesh wanting to rebel at some point when things are dragged on for too long (unless you live on opposite ends of the planet) or are not physically attracted to each other (in which case, why be in the relationship?)  Sure, they can overcome those temptations, but is it wise for them to put themselves through that pressure when there’s really no need to?  I realized this when I was planning my wedding and deciding on a date. I had chosen a date already, but was asked to push the date back a few months to accommodate some of my guests. I wanted them to be there, but I wanted to please God more. I knew that the longer I waited the harder “waiting” would be.  So I decided not to take that chance since there really was no need to. I do not have any definitive answers to the question posed in my title, but what I want to explore here in this series of posts are a few of the reasons some couples decide to extend the dating experience maybe a little longer then necessary, which I call dating myths, and debunk them with some good Biblical wisdom and real-life experience.

Myth #1: I don’t have enough money to get married.

This may also be stated as “I have to achieve a certain level of success financially before I get married.”  Granted, having a surplus of money is very helpful when it comes to starting a life together, but it is not a prerequisite to a successful marriage.  I know because I consider my marriage to be a success, and there was no nest egg set aside for either of us. We have been climbing the ladder of success and financial prosperity together.  We did have to deal with this particular myth though.  My then boyfriend, Russell, thought he needed to have more money before he proposed to me, but he admitted to me that every time he tried to save money toward our future life together, something would “come up”. And I’d venture to say that things would continue to “come up” just to delay things even longer.  Preparation is important, but I don’t believe that you will ever be 100% prepared for all the responsibilities of marriage, especially if you’ve never been married.  More importantly, when your goal is to do things God’s way, your adversary the devil, whose job it is to steal, kill, and destroy, will do everything he can to steal your peace, kill your faith, and destroy your holy testimony (John 10:10). Want to know how God proved this myth to be false for us?  Well, once Russell moved in faith and proposed to me, the favor started pouring in.  We were able to plan an entire wedding, reception, and honeymoon in four short months with no financial burden because everything was paid for in full with money left over. That’s right. God’s promise was applied to our wedding plans. “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10:22 KJV) And He will do the same for you if you step out on faith and refuse to let your savings be your excuse.


Let me know your thoughts, and be on the lookout for dating myth # 2 in my next post.

Beautiful Black Man

black manHey there, beautiful black man.  What brings you here?  You know beauty like yours is rare around these parts.  You make a sistah wish she had taken art appreciation 101 to delve into the intricacies of the unique sculpture you are.  I didn’t notice you at first, but once we made eye contact I knew you were something special.

What is it about you that makes me rush to a pen and pad to capture your radiance and encapsulate you in my mind?  Is it because you’re simply beautiful or simply a rare find?  You remind me of an African warrior prince—your locks long and strong; your height towering; your complexion dark as chocolate; your physique tight and chiseled like an ebony statue.  I did a double take when you passed and became tongue-tied.  Too beautiful for words.

What is it about you that makes me silently grin?  Are you such a hot commodity where you’re from?  What is it about you that makes me want to see you again, not to date you or take you home to my mom, but to lay eyes on your captivating self.  I only saw you once, but from my point of view you were somebody to remember.

Ooh beautiful black man, what is it that you do, where did you come from, and did you bring anymore brothas with you?

Beautiful black man you are a sight for hungry eyes; a testament to the wondering soul; an answer to the plaguing question:  Where are all the fine men?  Do they even exist anymore other than Hollywood, on my tv screen or in the gay magazines?  What is it that made me talk about you to myself once you left?  At that moment my tongue became the pen of a ready writer.  I couldn’t believe I had seen you, met eyes with you and nearly bumped into you.

You remind me of a cool condensation drenched glass of lemonade on a scorching day — Ahhh refreshing!

But I have a few questions: is your personality as radiant as your smile; your character as steady as your stride; is your faith as strong as your jaw line or your soul as deep as the dimples adorning your cheeks?  Or are you one of those shallow brothas, the looking for a dime piece, but can’t find peace kind of brothas?  Are you the kind of guy who appreciates a woman’s strength or are you intimidated by my standards?  Do you have integrity or are you shirking responsibilities and playing the victim?  Does hard work and honesty characterize you?  If not, then keep it moving because I’ve actually seen your kind too many times—lazy, trifling, good for nothing but looks type of brothas.  The kind of guys who instead of owning where they are, want a woman to stoop to their level to make them feel adequate.  You know what?  On second thought, don’t answer because I don’t want to ruin this fantasy with thoughtless words or justifications for mediocrity.  I’ll just bask in the luxury of you, Mr. Beautiful Black Man and wait for a real man to take my hand.  But thanks anyway for the lovely view.

Written in 2004 by yours truly.  

Ladies, have you ever seen a man so gorgeous that you had to just stop and stare?  Have you ever met a guy whose exterior qualities didn’t match his interior qualities?  I’d love to hear about it.